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Water restrictions hit Richmond homes, businesses this Wednesday

Conserving water now can help reduce further watering restrictions, according to the city.
Water restrictions kick in on Wednesday in Richmond.

Starting this Wednesday, water restrictions are in place for Richmond residences and other properties.

Stage 1 restrictions take effect May 1 and are in place until Oct. 15 but only apply to the use of treated drinking/tap water.

Restrictions don't apply to the use of rainwater, grey water - wastewater from baths, sinks, washing machines and other kitchen appliances - or any forms of recycled water or other sources of water outside of the municipal water supply.

Water demand is highest during the evening when residents are preparing dinner, washing dishes, doing laundry and taking showers, according to the city.

“Watering lawns early in the morning helps reduce the peak demand on the water system,” the city noted in press release. “Watering restrictions are also a reminder to reduce non-priority water uses such as washing vehicles or non-permeable surfaces, such as driveways.”

According to the city, Stage 1 watering restrictions can delay or avoid the need for higher, more restrictive water use later.

Restrictions beyond Stage 1 may be put in place if drought conditions continue into the summer, the city noted.

Exemptions are allowed for property owners who are treating their lawn for European chafer beetles using nematodes or if they’re installing a new lawn.

A permit application can be submitted to [email protected] for this exemption.

A permit fee is required to process the application, and copies of a receipt/invoice for the nematodes or new lawn must accompany the application.

Watering edible plants are also exempt from these restrictions.

The watering restrictions are in effect regionally and part of Metro Vancouver’s Drinking Water Conservation Plan.

Restrictions for homes and businesses

Residential lawn watering is allowed for even-numbered addresses on Saturdays and on odd-number addresses on Sunday. But this is restricted to between 5 a.m. and 7 a.m. for automatic watering and 5 a.m. to 9 a.m. for watering by hand.

Watering trees, shrubs, decorative planters and flowers is permitted any day from 5 a.m. to 9 a.m. if using a sprinkler, and any time of the day if hand watering or using drip irrigation.

Non-residential lawn watering is allowed for even-numbered addresses on Mondays and odd-numbered addresses on Tuesdays. This is restricted to the hours between 4 a.m. to 6 a.m. for automatic watering and 6 a.m. to 9 a.m. for hand-watering.

Again, watering trees, shrubs, decorative planters and flowers is permitted any day but only from 4 a.m. to 9 a.m. if using a sprinkler; or any time if hand watering or using drip irrigation.

All hoses must have an automatic shut-off device.

Watering tips 

For water-wise lawn care tips, everyday water conservation tips and more information about Metro Vancouver’s lawn watering regulations, click here

For information or to apply for a water restriction exemption permit, click here

For other questions, email [email protected].

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