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Two anxiety talks coming to Richmond this week

Two workshops on anxiety are being hosted in Richmond this week as local mental health experts seek to raise awareness on this common mental health issue.
“Anxiety is the most common mental health problem that there is,” says Gabriela Ionita. Image: Pixabay

Two workshops on anxiety are being hosted in Richmond this week as local mental health experts seek to raise awareness on this common mental health issue.

On Wednesday, March 14, Pathways and Anxiety BC will host a general workshop on anxiety at Richmond Hospital. Meanwhile, Saturday, March 17, the Community Mental Wellness Association of Canada will host a presentation on anxiety and anger. For Dr. Gabriela Ionita, who is a registered clinical counsellor and will be presenting on Wednesday, the topic of anxiety is incredibly important.

“Anxiety is the most common mental health problem that there is,” Ionita told the Richmond News.

“We know that anxiety is an issue, we know that a lot of people are struggling with it but on the other hand, a lot of people aren’t getting support with it and it is one of the most treatable mental health issues.”

Ionita explained that her talk will give attendees a basic understanding of anxiety and its symptoms, as well as practical knowledge on how they can address symptoms of anxiety, particularly through cognitive behavioural therapy.

“I don’t want people to think that they’re weird or weak,” Ionita said. “I want them to understand that anxiety is normal, but that it can grow too big and then it can begin to interfere with the quality of their lives.”

At Saturday’s talk, registered clinical counsellor Bessie Wang will lead the conversation on anger and anxiety, in partnership with CMWAC. Ahlay Chin, founder of CMWAC told the Richmond News that her organization brings mental health professionals in on a monthly basis to host presentations that help spread awareness on mental health.

“What is anger? What is anxiety?” Chin said. “We’re trying to let people know and to understand. Fortunately, we are able to invite in very professional people to come (for the presentations).”

Both Ionita and Chin said that it’s not just a lack of awareness surrounding mental health that will lead to people not seeking support.

“The other thing is that there’s a lot of stigma around mental health issues and around anxiety,” Ionita said. “I think that’s one of the main reasons why people don’t get the help they need.”

Anxiety: Everything you wanted to know about it!
Wednesday, March 14: 7 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Ralph Fisher Auditorium (Richmond Hospital)
7000 Westminster Hwy, Richmond

Anger and Anxiety
Saturday, March 17: 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Canadian Mental Wellness Association of Canada
#250 – 5726 Minoru Blvd.