The Canada Line will terminate at Bridgeport Station at 9:30 p.m. on most nights in August – starting next week - due to construction on the new Capstan Station.
Starting on Tuesday, Aug. 6, trains won’t go past Bridgeport after 9:30 p.m. except on weekends.
Regular services is expected to resume on Aug. 31.
Extra bus service will run between Bridgeport and Brighouse stations.
Buses will stop at each impacted station, Aberdeen, Lansdowne and Brighouse, and run about every 10 minutes.
Trains to YVR will not be impacted.
The new station, Capstan, is being built between Bridgeport and Aberdeen stations and is expected to open in the coming months, according to TransLink.
The train stoppages are due to crew conducting electrical integration and connecting Capstan to the existing Canada Line station.
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