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Richmond ranked among top B.C. cities for work-life balance

Richmond has the highest life expectancy among the largest 100 cities in Canada, says report
The report analyses 30 metrics covering work intensity, health and wellbeing, and livability. Photo: Grant McMillan

Richmond is ranked as one of the best cities for work-life balance in B.C., according to a recent report.

Real Estate listing website Point2 released a report this week analyzing work-life balance scores in the largest 100 cities in Canada, using 30 metrics covering work intensity, health and well-being, and liveability.

This includes work hours, available healthcare professionals, commute time, after-tax income, trails and parks, among other factors.

Richmond received the seventh highest work-life balance score in B.C. North Vancouver topped the list, followed by Port Coquitlam and Vancouver.

"Peaceful balance seems to be paying off in Richmond, which boasts the highest life expectancy among all 100 cities: Residents here live to be almost 87 years old, on average," reads the report. 

North Vancouver and Port Coquitlam are the only two B.C. cities that made it to the list of the top 20 cities in Canada offering work-life balance.

Quebec dominates the list with 12 cities included in the top 20 list nationwide.

"Breaking down the three key aspects of balancing work and play: Cities in B.C. and Ontario win at wellness, Atlantic Canada takes the lead in liveability, while Quebec cities manage it all," reads the report.

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