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Recycled mattresses, furniture in Richmond expected at million pounds in 2021

It could cost $2.8 million over five years to recycle Richmondites' old mattresses and furniture.
An abandoned sofa in a Lower Mainland alley

Richmondites are expected to dispose of more than a million pounds of mattresses and upholstered furniture in 2021.

With more of these items being recycled through the City of Richmond’s Large Item Pickup program than first anticipated, the cost for the contract could double.

Richmond city council will look at increasing its contract with Canadian Mattress Recycling to $2.8 million from an initial $1.03 million over five years.

In 2019, the city allowed residents to call for a pickup of a used mattress or large piece of furniture – as well as other items – as part of its Large Item Pickup program.

Since the program started, there’s been a 32 per cent increase annually in mattress and furniture recycling.

In 2019, almost 13,000 mattresses and pieces of upholstered furniture were picked up from Richmond homes and this is projected to be more than 22,000 in 2021.

Single-family homes and townhouses are allowed six large-item pickups a year. Some multi-family complexes are part of the Large Item Pickup program.

This includes mattresses, dry upholstered furniture, tires and barbecues. For more information, click here.

The contract will be dealt with at Monday's city council meeting.