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Open houses start on police services

Richmond will need to spend money to get more local control of community policing
RCMP red surge
The Royal Canadian Mounted Police.

The first of five open houses on a police services review is set to take place Wednesday (Feb.17) at South Arm Community Centre, from 5-8 p.m.

The open houses are a chance for the public to review a council report (see below) that outlines the pros and cons of establishing a municipal police force.

Among the basic highlights is the fact a changeover is expected to cost in the range of $20 million and annual operations would be about $3 million extra. On the flip side, Mayor Malcolm Brodie has noted the city would have more control of police services without the RCMP making decisions from Ottawa headquarters.

Any Richmond resident can also go online to to read the documents and input his/her comment. One may also email [email protected] or call 604-276-4000. 

All submissions must be made by Feb. 29 for Richmond city council to consider them.

Open Houses, 5-8 p.m.:

- Feb.17 – South Arm Community Centre

- Feb.18 – East Richmond Community Hall

- Feb.20 – Thompson Community Centre (Note: 10 a.m. – 1 p.m.)

- Feb.23 – Steveston Community Centre

- Feb.24 – Richmond City Hall