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Richmond hotel fails to ban striking workers from picketing

Workers at Radisson Blu Vancouver Airport, formerly Pacific Gateway Hotel, have been on strike for two years
Workers at the Radisson Blu (formerly Pacific Gateway) are still on strike two years later

A Richmond hotel’s bid to ban workers from picketing on its premises has been turned down by the Labour Relations Board.

The Raddison Blu Vancouver Airport Hotel, on Cessna Drive, asked the board to declare their premises out of bounds for picketers and sought a ban on unlawful picketing.

The union representing the workers, UNITE Here Local 40, objected to the application as picketing on an employer’s property is allowed under the Labour Code during an official strike.

It also argued Radisson Blu’s issue is with trespassing, which can only be determined by the courts.

David Duncan Chesman, vice-chair of the Labour Relations Board, sided with the union.

He agreed that picketing on Radisson Blu’s property is authorized by the Labour Code and whether the picketing constituted trespassing should be dealt with by the courts.

Workers at the Radisson Blu, formerly Pacific Gateway Hotel, went on strike more than two years ago after they were laid off during the pandemic.

Last week, the union sent out an open letter urging cruise line operator Carnival Corporation to stop sending guests to support the hotel.

- with files from Valerie Leung.