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How to avoid travel delays at YVR this summer

Summer is often a busy time for travel, whether it’s on the highway, on the ferries, crossing the border or even at the airport.
Vancouver International Airport
The BC Centre for Disease Control is warning that travellers at Vancouver's airport on Sunday may have been exposed to measles.

Summer is often a busy time for travel, whether it’s on the highway, on the ferries, crossing the border or even at the airport.

Vancouver International Airport says it expects to see a daily average of 90,000 passengers throughout the summer and, to help travelers avoid delays, is offering several tips.

First, confirm all travel details in advance. Make sure you know what baggage you’re allowed and what the airline offers once you’re on board.

Don’t forget to adhere to packing restrictions including weight limits, liquids and aerosol regulations and what items can go in your carry-on luggage. Consider paying for extra luggage online before you arrive at the airport – sometimes you might even get a discount.

Some airlines allow you to check in online before arriving at the airport and you can either print your boarding pass at home or have an electronic copy sent to your phone. In addition, some Canada Line stations close to the airport have check-in kiosks that you can use to avoid lineups once you arrive.

With that, consider taking the Canada Line to the airport to avoid traffic and parking.

And, don’t forget to arrive early. YVR recommends arriving 90 minutes before a domestic flight, two hours before a flight to the United States and three hours before an international flight.