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Richmond student raises recycling awareness through art workshop

Two paper mache sturgeons were created by 85 students and parents.

A Richmond student held a paper mache workshop at a local school to raise recycling awareness while bringing the community together.

Opal Chen, a student at Daniel Woodward elementary, applied and received $500 through Richmond Cares, Richmond Gives' Youth Neighbourhood Small Grant to organize the workshop.

A total of 85 students and parents were at the workshop held at Daniel Woodward.

The event aimed to teach them how to transform household materials into craft projects and provide information on sturgeon conservation.

Chen chose the sturgeon for its local connection to Richmond and its vulnerability to water pollution as it often ingests plastic particles in the waters.

Participants created a sturgeon made of bottles, styrofoam, cardboard and other recycled materials.

Meanwhile, others help paint a six-foot paper mache sturgeon Chen previously built at home.

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