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Photos: Spot prawn season arrives in Steveston

The Steveston Spot Prawn & Seafood Celebration runs from May 17 to June 16.

If you're wondering why people are showing up to Fisherman's Wharf with their coolers, it's because the spot prawns are here.

The annual live spot prawn season in B.C. began on Wednesday, May 15, and today is the first official day of dock sales.

A steady stream of customers was seen on the docks at 8 a.m., armed with thermal bags, coolers and even trolleys for their hauls.

Among them was community member Tony Chun, who told the Richmond News he returns to the docks every year during spot prawn season.

"We usually (buy spot prawns) once or twice a year," he explained, adding that his go-to method for cooking the local delicacy is boiling it.

The prawns are going at $25 per pound on the docks and pre-orders are also available online. 

To make the most of the season, Tourism Richmond is also holding a Steveston Spot Prawn & Seafood Celebration, which will run from now until June 16.

A dine-about promotion in partnership with local restaurants will kick off on June 1 and a family-friendly Spot Prawn Day event will take place on June 8. For more information, click here.

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