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Letter: On behalf of the rest of Chinese parents, I apologize

Dear Editor, Re: “Parents: LGBT policy could convert straight teens,” News, March 1.
Steveston-London secondary student Nathan Lee (right) and recent Steveston-London grad Kaylyn Munro plan to present a petition to the Richmond Board of Education calling for a district policy that addresses the LGBTQ population in local schools. Photo by Graeme Wood/Richmond News

Dear Editor,

Re: “Parents: LGBT policy could convert straight teens,” News, March 1.

I felt compelled to write in to speak out on behalf of Chinese parents in Richmond, as it seems only a small minority of our voices are being represented in this story. 

Coming from a Chinese background, I know firsthand that this misguided response to the LGBTQ policy approved by the school board is due to a deeply-rooted fear of homosexuality and other sexual orientations within the Chinese culture. 

While everyone is entitled to their opinion, it absolutely should not come at the expense of victims and further discrimination against these young people. 

Canada, and therefore Richmond, is a pluralistic society, so I applaud the school board for finally stepping up to recognize a need in the community and for reinforcing tolerance and diversity. 

For this group of parents to somehow feel that being gay is a choice or an opinion or needs scientific evidence simply reflects the fear of their own children being gay and this fear cannot be projected on to our public schools. 

We’ve come too far as a progressive society to go back to the antiquated mentality of the past as we see our southern neighbours doing.

As a parent, I also welcome the public schools reinforcing what I teach my own kids about compassion.

So I apologize to those teens who so bravely stepped up to share how horrifically they have been treated at school. You are not alone. Thousands of Richmond parents support you.

Ashley Low
