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Richmond boxing gym holds first-ever women's boxing title fight

Male and female boxers around the Lower Mainland are aiming for the top at the Proving Grounds X tournament on Tuesday, April 30.
Gino Ramos from Hidden City Boxing Club in Vancouver was the winner of the main event in 2023's Proving Grounds 9.

An amateur boxing tournament series held by a Richmond boxing gym is holding the first-ever women's title bout next week.

The 10th installment of Proving Grounds, organized by Pack of Wild Dogs Combat Club (POWD) at Hammersmith Way, is set to take place on April 30.

The tournament will feature eight matches, with the main event being the women's title bout.

Jedro Magtoto, POWD spokesperson, told the Richmond News the upcoming event is the only women's title bout in Richmond that the organizers are aware of.

While female boxers have always been included in the tournaments, they're hoping to go the extra mile this time.

"There's not very many female boxers out there to make matches. By having a title fight for the female fighters, we hope to inspire other female athletes to compete in the sport of boxing," Magtoto explained.

Almost half of the boxers who signed up are young boxers aiming to gain more experience, he added.

In addition to a title and bragging rights, winners will also receive prizes.

The tournament is being held at the RRGC Club Hall at 7891 Cambie Road and tickets are $50 including food. Doors will open at 6 p.m. and fights start at 7 p.m.

For more information, visit

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